Nickel coating-This VAC unit is available in a V100P-NIC for pneumatic applications or a V100E-NIC for electropneumatic applications. This high phosphor nickel plating is considered one of the most corrosion-resistant nickel coatings available. The combinations of the VAC nickel-coated unit, and many of the stainless actuators make a very good corrosion resistant package, stretching our products range of applications. All of the options like special cams, dome indicators, position feedback, and more are available.
V100 Brochure
V100-NIC Spare Parts
V100-NIC Technical Specs
V100-NIC Ordering Codes
V100-NIC IOM Manual
V100-NIC Principle of Operation
V100-NIC Dimensional Drawing
V100 Declaration of Conformity
V100 Wiring
Spindle Drawings