V100P Pneumatic Valve Positioner
Valve Accessories
Cast Aluminum, polyester housing that is NEMA 4X rated. All stainless steel retained fasteners. A thick stainless steel cam that is double locked with sturdy cam nut. The bottom plate helps absorb vibration.
Screwdriver slots in the span and zero ferrules, along with an external zero adjustment, helps make setting up the positioner simple. The minimum interaction between zero and span mean you can make a span adjustment without always returning to zero with each adjustment saving you valuable time.
Special cams, range springs, various pilots, spindles (drive connectors), gauges, dome indicators, and position feedback are examples of the options that are available from VAC. In addition, special requests are welcomed and encouraged-so please give us an opportunity to help you with any application need.
The pilot valve assembly can be easily cleaned (dry alcohol base) by removing one screw and blowing the assembly clean. The unique O-ring gasket prevents loss of individual O-rings in the cleaning process. The assembly can then be easily re-installed in only one direction, with a design that automatically “pinches” the upper lever leaf spring that is used to help stabilize the pilot. I/Ps can be changed, removed, converted in minutes and the I/P test points on the small connection board make checking the I/P or the circuit very simple.
One housing for pneumatic or electro-pneumatic, where I/P can be installed, removed or converted at any time-while still mounted on the actuator. Various mounting capabilities – rotary or linear. The standard indicator can be reversed to direct or reverse acting and always show the proper scale (0-100%). Flat or raised indicators. F05 mounting hole pattern with multiple drive options that can be field converted…and more!